
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Sofa and Social Media Overload!

I finally got a new sofa - yippee!  My old one wasn't that old but it was the worst sofa ever!  I shake my fist at it!  I was so excited for it at first, a light green three seater sleeper sofa with a chaise.  Unfortunately the cushions must've been made out of the cheapest material ever because the cushions broke down so fast and the cover caught every piece of hair on it and showed even water stains (not good for a clumsy person and a licky pug).  After a few months, my couch looked busted and gross and was so uncomfortable to sit in.  It hurt my hips sometimes if I sat too long in it.  So on a random surprise visit to Ikea I made the plunge and got a new sofa!  It arrived super fast and I had to get rid of my old one which was all stressful.  I don't deal well with change and can only handle doing one big activity at a time.  

Sunny doesn't like change either.
She was gated while we got rid of the old sofa.  She was not pleased.

Then we had to sit on the floor for a few days before my new sofa arrived.  At first we were fine with it but after a few days we both longed for a cushy seat.
And then it arrived!  Of course because it's Ikea there was some assembly required.  I was surprised though, I thought their sofas came ready to go?  I had to put in the footers and that middle round thing.  But when it came time to move the sofa into position, Sunny had found a comfy spot.
So after a few minutes of lounging in the worst spot ever, Sunny finally moved and I got my new sofa into position.  Isn't it purty?
It's 100x more comfy than my last couch - I love it!  And after Sunny jumps off my couch I just sweep my hand across it to get rid of her hair.  AWESOME.  Swoop!  Swoop!  Hair is gone!
I considered shelling out a lot for a fancy nice leather couch but when I was in Ikea I was surprised by the quality of the sofas there and the price just can't be beat.  And now I can spend the money I saved on treats for my spoiled pug.  She REALLY loves the new sofa now.
She likes to enjoy it with her "friends."
Oh and I also got some new bath mats there, which Sunny also has been enjoying.  Sheesh, she sure is making herself comfy there!
I've been a little lazy with posts recently because I've been busy setting up other social media stuff.  Dang, why are there so many different kinds?  Anyways, I now have a Facebook page (Bah Humpug link here) and a Twitter account (I'm on there as Funaek).  Oh, and I don't know if I posted this a while back but I also have a Tumblr account (Bah Humpug Tumblr) where I basically just reblog photos of pugs.  I can't get enough of them!

Time to do my other posts...Oh and my weird and funny friend has started a new blog about the random things she buys (Why Did You Buy That).  She keeps reminding me to do a post on my Birchbox package, so that will come next!


  1. Love it! We splurged on a leather couch a few years ago b/c of the pug hair from the three boys. I love being able to just brush all that pug hair away!

  2. I looovveee the picture of her enjoying the couch with her "friend"!! <3

  3. I have to say I will never go back to a fabric couch! Having a leather one is SO much easier with all the pug hair and licking. And since I know I will ALWAYS have at least one pug in my life, it looks like I'll always have leather furniture! Now I'm wishing I spent extra for a leather interior in my car. My backseat is covered in pug hair!
